Sunday, October 7, 2012


I recently got this pillow cover at one of my most favorite stores that says "Too much of a good thing can truly be wonderful".  I question that.  Can it?  Too much of the wrong foods can make your health deteriorate and put on the pounds.  Too much shopping can lead to an addition... Hello, I am a shopaholic.  Too much foreplay can make you me...I've been there.  So I wonder if too much of a good thing can be truly wonderful?  The only thing I can think of that would make this quote accurate is love.  Too much love is never really a bad thing.  Too much love is usually a great thing, unless it is the forbidden love that will only hurt the one person that is doing the loving.  The unrequited love.  In the movie "The Holiday", Kate Winslet's character does a great job of describing the victim of unrequited love.  She also does an amazing job with her monologues one in particular when she describes how she felt loving someone who will not, and cannot, love her back.  She says that she knows what it feels like to be the most insignificant person in someone's life.  I too have shared her sentiment.  I know what that feels like.  And lately, I have felt it more and more.  When I left a man of seven years, I swore to myself that I would never let that happen to myself ever again.  Then it happened.  Right after my divorce to the man that I thought I was going to marry and have children with and a happily ever after.  I remember being so angry with myself that I could get so caught up in someone else that I forgot to do some fact finding.  Does he love me the way that I love him and will he reciprocate my love?  If you have to question it, do you not already know the answer?  I also, a couple years after that, was at a party with some friends and of course a fortune teller was there to entertain us.  She said to me, " you will never be in a relationship again where your love is not returned the same way that you love."  Well, I want my money back....because it happened again.  Recently.  So now I feel so, damaged.  I can't get it right.  I am the common denominator here and that should tell me that I am the problem.  I am the one making all of these mistakes.  As the match maker would say, " your picker is off!".  Yes, you could say that again.  I willing love men who will not, and cannot love me back.  I just don't know what else to do at this point.  I think I'll take some advice from some friends and just "stopping looking so hard".  I didn't realize I was.  I'm just gonna stop trying to find that love that I want and hopefully one day it will just show up.

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