Sunday, June 17, 2012


In today's world, life that is, it is very rare to find that human connection that everyone is looking for.  I mean let's be honest...every single person is looking for that connection with another person that will answer all of the unanswered questions, assumptions or imaginations that we have in our minds.  However when we do find it, it is often by surprise and very, very, intense.  And the intensity grows stronger and stronger until their is point, or plateau where something gives.  Something bad, or something just gives.  And at that point, it will either make the relationship stronger or it will burn the flame out.  This doesn't have to be a romantic connection.  I've experienced this in friendships as well.  Think about the friends who have come and gone in your life.  It starts out where there is such interest, intensity and intrigue.  Then once we find out all we need to know about that person, either through a crazy night out on the town, through another friend, or in a disagreement with them, it simply ends.  It is never the same.  The flame got snuffed out.  And there are times when we see them again and regale old times.  However after fifteen minutes, if that, we realize that is all we had with them, fifteen minutes worth of friendship.  I'm not trying to sound insensitive, but really that is all that it is.  I believe that people enter and exit your life when needed.  Sometimes we are not ready for things to be over, and we fight it, or delay it as long as possible.  But the inevitable is coming, and that we are certain of every single day.  Then there are those that no matter where we go, no matter what we do, who we marry, who we unmarry, they are there, in our soul.  Our soul mates.  I have been very fortunate to have a couple of those in my life.  It doesn't matter how much time has past, we can always pick up right where we left off.  Those relationships are priceless.  I feel that there are times when I have lost some way.  Then I connect with one of my soul mates, either directly or indirectly and what was lost is suddenly found again.  That is what I want for my life.  That is what I want in my marriage. I will not settle until I have one should.  Because, no matter what, even if you cannot face the truth as it is staring you down in the mirror, your soul companion will reveal it to you just in their presence.  Why? How?  This is one vital way that our soul communicates to us, reflecting our soul's counterpoint, revealing our truth, revealing us in them.  And that connection can never be broken, even as much as we would like it to be sometimes, it never goes away. The lost, gets found, it always, always does.

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