Saturday, June 9, 2012


Today I was reading an article about Karma.  As a yogi...I absolutely believe in Karma.  What ever thought, action, words, anything you put out...comes back in one way or another.  Today I had repairman come to my house for some appliance repair.  This was the second appointment. The first is when the company sent another repairman out to diagnose the problem, order the part and set up the next service visit.  The first repairman that came to my house a couple weeks ago, misdiagnosed the problem.  Well, he got some of it right but not the entire problem.  There were two things malfunctioning and he only got the one, the most evident.  So when the repairman today said the he had missed something and that my appliance would need another part and an additional service appointment, I was ironically o.k. with that.  Any other time, I probably would have been annoyed and irritated that more of my time was going to have to be inconvenienced. was o.k.  And here's why.  The original service man was young, like myself, new in his position, and extremely kind.  As I was talking to him and looked him over from head to toe, he was attractive as well...guess I didn't mention that, but he reminded me of someone I used to know.  I knew him from the get go.  He didn't have to tell me his name, I already knew in my heart and soul who he was.  He was the spitting image of my ex-husband.  From his hair, to his eyes, to his hands, his smile, his mannerisms, to the way he spoke, to what cologne he was wearing.  He was him.  And if affected me.  I cried that day because I was reminded of how much I had loved him and how I would have given anything and everything for our marriage to work.  We were the couple that everyone wanted to be on paper and in the pictures.  In real life, not so much.  So today when I opened the door and he wasn't there, there were two other men there to repair my appliance, I was some what relieved.  The older more experienced repairman apologized over and over again for the inconvenience of not being able to fix the complete problem today and that the other repairman, my ex-husband look-a-like, was new and needed more training or else he would have known to look for the other problem, the root of the cause for the dysfunction.  Wow...that really put things in perspective for me.  He didn't know any better.  He was young, inexperienced and needed more training.  So with that, the older, wiser, and more experienced repairman took the fall and the responsibility of picking up the pieces and repairing what was broken a long time ago.  I could have been very upset and just complained to high heaven about his inabilities.  Instead I said, "You's o.k.  He's learning and so am I in areas.  He was so nice and treated me well so I would ask that he doesn't get into any trouble for his mistake.  It happens and I'm o.k. with it."  Let me tell you, that took a lot of therapy hours to say that!  Because who I was really meaning and saying that to was my ex-husband and myself.  I forgave him just like I forgave the inexperienced repairman.  Because here's the thing...I needed work when I entered into my marriage, and so did my ex.  But it was not his job or mine to fix each other completely.  We both karmically, had to go through this together to learn the lesson that you have to deal with yourself and your issues before you can offer up your whole self to anyone else.  We were young, inexperienced, and didn't know any better.  Who knew that karma lessons could play out in the simplicity of home repairs...Love it.

1 comment:

  1. OMG, so good! So good! You are so insightful and just put all of that stuff into the best words to describe the experience. You rock...and yes, therapists LOVE when their clients have such great insight! :)
